March 2005
Sequel to The Ambassador’s Vow

He supposed if he could have one wish, it would be that he were anywhere else. But watched her push past the revolving doors of Kennedy Airport, wrapped in lush sable, memories rushed to the surface. Carefully, he set them aside. She was married now, to an ambassador. Still, he was left with a breathless feeling. Or was it simply the churning motion of a certain pain that filled his gut whenever he saw her picture in a newspaper, or heard a story about her on the radio? Or thought about her. It didn’t matter. He knew, he just knew he should do an about face and run in the opposite direction, but there was no way to stop his foolish feet, they were going to follow her through those shiny brass doors no matter what his common sense told him. Old wounds…curiosity…a deadly combination.
4 Stars – Romantic Times Magazine

Down From The Mountain

ebruary 2004.
David Hartwell inherits more than his late father’s estate: he inherits his father’s ward, Ellen Candler. Badly scarred from a childhood accident, David has carved out a hermit-like existence and is terrified to take up the reins of his responsibilities. He need not worry, Ellen is blind and cannot see the beast he believes himself to be. Ellen knows David is hiding something, but is unsure what it can be. No matter. The more she searches, the more her heart is engaged. The only real question is whether David feels the same way.
4 Stars – Romantic Times Magazine

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The Ambassador’s Vow

The Ambassador’s Vow is an interracial love story that challenges us to rethink our own boundaries as we watch the characters challenge their own. Daniel Sheridan Boylan is the first African-American to be offered the office of American Ambassador to France. From a wealthy Long Island family, and a rising star in the black community, he has been groomed for just this moment.
Falling for Katherine Harriman, a struggling white pianist is definitely not on his agenda. But the heart has a way of its own. A simple kiss turns explosive, Daniel and Katherine must examine their attraction and the commitments they have made to others.
NEWS FLASH: The Ambassador’s Vow won the Romantic Times Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Silhouette Special Edition 2002!
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